History of the School

The school was established in 1896 under the name of Dehigaspe Weslion Methodist Mixed School. At first, it was opened its doors with 4 students enrolled in primary grades. The first principal of the school was Mr.A.A Gogarly. After the 10 years of school began, the school continued to develop with the gradual incensement of the enrolling students and the teachers staff.
By the year 1932, numbers swelled and confidence quickly grew in the school. As a result of this the school was able to extend the total number of students up to 123. With this, the school has become a well – reputed junior school in the area.
After that, the school upper classes were implemented during the years of 1950 – 1982. In the year 1982 Methodist school changed its name to MR/ Dudly Senanayaka M.V