As the principal of MR/Dehigaspa Dudly Senanayaka National School, it’s with great gratification and dignity for me to send this message on this very exceptional occasion of the official web launch of our school. One of the programs scheduled in the school activity calendar for the year 2022 is to promote skills in Information Technology. With this aim the school website is to be designed with modern innovations and current updated news of the school. The website will opportune the world to open the windows to the past, present and future of the school. Our site thus, should determine to display their talents and bring grace and honor to the Alma Mater as the world will have a glimpse of us at any time.
Thank you for visiting the website of Dudly Senanayaka National School. Our website keeps you updated of all our events and achievements.

P.M. Jayawardhana
The Principal
MR/ Dehigaspe Dudly Senanayaka National School

Deputy Principal

deputy principal
Mr. G. Wasantha – Deputy Principal